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[Arakawa Ward] I enjoyed Japanese drums and Bon dance (Arakawa Ondo) at the Bon Odori Festival 2022!

こんにちは♡ 東京のクレイジーな暑さがおさまってきて、過ごしやすくなってきた9月です。先日、荒川遊園の野球場で行われた「令和4年度荒川区文化祭」大太鼓盆踊り大会に行ってまいりました♡

Hello♡ It’s September, when the crazy heat in Tokyo has subsided and it’s getting easier. The other day, I went to the “2020 Arakawa Ward Cultural Festival” big drum Bon dance competition held at the baseball stadium of Arakawa Yuen.

コロナになる前もあまりお祭りに行ってなかったくせに、久々に祭りに行くと(は~、やっと来れた♡)という爽快さを感じました。荒川区の盆踊り大会がとても楽しかったので、頼まれていませんが、勝手にレポさせていただきますw というわけで、今回の「東京の小学生とおでかけ!」のテーマは荒川区の盆踊りです。


Bon Odori in Arakawa Ward was “Odaiko Bon Odori” at “Arakawa Ward Cultural Festival”

久々にこんな日本らしい光景に身を置き、感動しました♪It’s been a long time since I’ve been in such a Japanese scene, and I’m impressed ♪


It was my first time to attend the Bon dance in Arakawa Ward. Or rather, Bon Odori itself is the first time in more than five years. I haven’t done it since I got Corona, and before that, I didn’t have any information about where and when I would do it.



For Bon Odori, there are no stalls because of Corona. (I guess they can’t serve… Eating and drinking weren’t allowed inside. Some people were drinking, though.) And unlike just Bon Odori, there are a lot of Japanese drums.


I heard that Arakawa Ward has an Odaiko Preservation Society, and six Japanese drum clubs belong to it. A part of the Japanese drum circle of the Odaiko Preservation Society also participates in this Bon Odori festival.


Arakawa Ward Bon Odori 2022 will be held at the Arakawa Yuen baseball field




In addition, the entrance to the venue is not designed to enter the aisle side. It was supposed to enter from the pool facility side on the right side.

夕暮れどきの会場入口付近どす。Near the entrance of the venue at dusk.


It’s sad that there are no stalls, but Bon Odori is fun after all ♡

久々の盆踊り。やっぱりイイです♡ 健康的でちょいクレイジー感あるでしょ。普段は「わたし、大人なんで」って顔で他人に話かけたりしない人々が、祭りのときになるといきなり踊りだすのが面白い~!そしてこのリズム。やっぱり日本人よね~★

Bon dance after a long time. It’s really good ♡ It’s healthy and a little crazy, isn’t it? It’s funny how people who usually don’t talk to others like “I’m an adult” suddenly start dancing during festivals~!


I want my children to experience the games that I enjoyed when I was in elementary school, as well as seasonal festivals and events as much as possible.


Exciting Japanese drum first experience! How is your regular practice going? !

「嫌だ~」と恥ずかしがってましたが、和太鼓の先生に強制連行された我がこども。I was shy and said, “I don’t like it,” but my child was forcibly taken away by a Japanese drum teacher.


This time, my child and I were able to play the Japanese drums along with the Bon Odori, thanks to the teacher of the Japanese drums. I usually skip practice, so my performance was not good. But I think it’s important to do well even if I’m not good at it, so if I practice a lot and wait until I’m perfect, I’ll end up becoming a bar person, so even if I’m not good at it, I enjoyed it★


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