Impressions from watching Ghost & Lady with my grandmother and child こんにちは。子供とおでかけをするのが趣味のママです。(さみしい?)特にホテル宿泊&劇...
Can children enjoy the stage play Harry Potter: The Cursed Child? Impressions when I went to see it with my 10 year ol...
How crowded is the Koupen-chan exhibition? I got a numbered ticket and lined up. こんにちは!私の子供が小学3年生ぐらいの時、LINEのスタンプのこう...
What is your rating for Totto-chan in the movie window? From what age? Impressions from elementary school students and...
I had lunch with my child at Sirocco in Coredo Nihonbashi ♡ こんにちは♡毎日、東京は暑いですね〜!そんな暑い中、わたしと小学生の子供は先日、コレド日本橋に行きました。わた...
What to see when you go to the Nihonbashi Money Museum with your child? Travel time and souvenirs こんにちは。毎日、激アツの東京から...
How long does Madame Tussauds Odaiba take? Can children enjoy it? Added by Masaki Suda♡ 子供が春休みだったので、友人とその子供らと一緒にお台場...
Nobita and Utopia in the Sky Spoilers and Goods Shop! I saw it at TOHO Hibiya with elementary school students ドラえもん...
First infiltration with a child to a picture book cafe bar in Jimbocho! What is Bookstore Cafe? わたし、絵本が大好きな46歳っす!絵本...
What kind of god is Hie Shrine? Types of amulets and access 赤坂に子供と泊まったので、ついでに日枝神社に行きました。長い階段があり、本殿や祈祷殿など複数の建物から成る、立...
3rd graders try for the first time at a children's museum! What is a fun space for adults? 「こどもだけのミュージアム」とは、月に1回、第一...
Gifte! A child had a cake making experience at ♡ Reviews that parents also enjoyed ギフテ!は子供が学校や家でなかなかできない体験を提供してくれる、...
Sneak into the lounge of the Higashi Ginza Marriott Hotel! What kind of weight can you eat for lunch? こんにちは。モッピーでSP...