There are two prince foxes, and one is the story that there is a fox in Rakugo that transforms into a prince fox at Oji Inari Shrine. The other is the theme of this article, the fox procession of Prince Omisoka. There is a tradition that the fox fox fire gathers from 33 places around the country to make pilgrimages to princes, and paintings depicting the scene have been handed down for a long time.
Finally I made the long-awaited Prince’s fox makeup!
“The OUJI’s Fox” by the Prince of Kita Ward. I heard about it from a grandfather of a friend in Hatchan’s kindergarten. “You don’t know the Prince’s fox? TV will come! Foreigners will come! If you don’t go, it’s a loss!” I’m originally aspiring to be a stage costume designer and I like flashy. Also, I love the musical “Cats”, so I’m happy that I can make cats (⇒ Fox was) with a prince! I thought so and went immediately. The place of makeup is in front of the prince’s supermarket “Horibun (2-13-6 Oji, Kita-ku, Tokyo)”.
When I arrived at 3:00 pm on December 31, there were already 30 people waiting for makeup. Most people who wear makeup are children. When I asked Hacchan, “Do you want to do makeup?” When I heard it again, I was told “No”, so I can’t help it. Do you want only Mom! I thought (laughs) and lined up in the makeup procession.
12月なので、待ち時間は結構寒いです Since it’s December, the waiting time is quite cold
Finally make up! It does quite well♡
Finally my turn has arrived♡ Hatchan is not doing it himself, but the tension is strangely high.
まず、ピンで前髪をあげます First, use a pin to raise your bangsだんだん白くなっていきました It became whiter白メイク、完成しましたよ!White makeup is complete!今どうなってるんだ~!できました!大満足!ルンルン! Done! Great satisfaction! Run Run!
The prince’s fox make-up is done in the daytime, and since the production is at midnight, the make-up must be kept until then. I didn’t have the nerve to be embarrassed, so I was nervous when I got on the train, but unexpectedly I couldn’t really see it. (⇒ I’m just trying not to match my eyes!)
And the prince’s fox procession of the prince of Inari Shrine, which is the heart of it, it was very cold that day. I thought, “Is it going to be 4 years old on such a cold day? I can’t do it!” (actually, I just got tired of it ;)) I definitely want to participate next time!
★★ 家族みんなで行けば、楽しいと思います! 夜は眠いですよね~ I think it will be fun if the whole family goes together! You’re sleepy at night~
小学生低学年喜び度(最高max★★★) The degree of primary school child’s pleasant
★★★ 日本のお祭りには積極的に参加してほしいです! I want you to actively participate in Japanese festivals!
ママのお財布危険度 (最高max★★★) The degree of dangerous of Mom’s wallet
★ 見るだけなら無料です It’s free for just seeing. ・一般参加料金 ・大人(高校生以上)1名につき1000円 ・中学生以下の子どもだけの参加は不可。参加者が保護者として付き添う場合は子どもも参加OKです。その場合の子どもの参加費は無料です。 ・General participation fee (In order to maintain operation, we ask you to bear the following costs.) ・Adult (more than high school student) 1000 yen per person ・Children under junior high school cannot participate only. Children can also participate if the participant is accompanied by a parent. In that case, the participation fee for children is free.