[Koto Ward] Let’s play with playground equipment and athletics in Kiba Park! Cafe is also recommended ♡
Kiba Park is a vast park next to the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT). Seen from the sky, it is long vertically and the Sendaibori River crosses the center. The Oyoko River crosses the side. As expected, “Kiba”. You used to carry timber by river, didn’t you?
Children can play athletics at Kiba Park. There is also a fashionable cafe nearby, so it’s perfect for a walk with your children ♡ Today’s theme of “Going out with elementary school students in Tokyo!” Is Kiba Park.
The Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT) is located on the grounds of Kiba Park.
The athletic location in Kiba Park is here!

There was athletic here.
住所 Street address | 東京都江東区木場4丁目1 4-1 Kiba, Koto-ku, Tokyo |
交通 traffic | ・東京メトロ東西線「木場駅」徒歩10分 ・都営地下鉄大江戸線・東京メトロ半蔵門線「清澄白川駅」徒歩15分 ・都営地下鉄新宿線「菊川」徒歩15分 ・都営バス東京スカイツリー新橋(業10)「木場四丁目」または「東京都現代美術館」すぐ ・ 10 minutes walk from “Kiba Station” on the Tokyo Metro Tozai Line ・ A 15-minute walk from Kiyosumi Shirakawa Station on the Toei Subway Oedo Line and Tokyo Metro Hanzomon Line ・ A 15-minute walk from “Kikukawa” on the Toei Subway Shinjuku Line ・ Toei Bus Tokyo Sky Tree Shimbashi (Business 10) “Kiba 4-chome” or “Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo” |
The area of the huge Kiba Park is 24.2ha (hectare). Since the area of Tokyo Dome is 4.7ha (hectare), it is the size of about 5 Tokyo Domes. It’s amazing! When I went (2019, 2021), the athletics were around the red circle in the image above.
Playground equipment is gorgeous at the athletics in Kiba Park ♡
There is a compound playground equipment like this!
追記(’21 7/9(金))すいません、遊具があるのは正確には多目的広場の北にある「北の冒険広場」、そして逆サイドにある「南の冒険広場」の2箇所でした。知ったかぶりして申し訳ありませんでした、、!
Postscript (’21 7/9 (Friday)) I’m sorry, there are two places to play equipment, the “Northern Adventure Square” to the north of the Multipurpose Square and the “Southern Adventure Square” on the opposite side. .. I’m sorry to know that!
In a park under an ordinary condominium, a slide, a sandbox, and a swing are enough. Kiba Park has a covered slide and compound playground equipment, so children can concentrate and play without getting bored. (⇒ I’m sorry, I didn’t think I would blog when I took the video. It’s hard to see, isn’t it!)
Hey! It’s not a park, it’s a museum!
Maybe because of Pisces, Hatchan likes water abnormally.
In Kiba Park, there are facilities such as (1) tennis court, (2) event plaza, (3) Kiba Park Ohashi (connecting the south and north sides of the park), (4) fountain plaza, (5) contact plaza (dog run), and (6) parking lot (charged). However, the park is quite large, so if you don’t think about where to focus first, your child will get tired.

Awesome Kiba Park …! The facilities are quite substantial.
In my case, I first went to the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo. So, there were no people in the waterfall-like place at the entrance of the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, so I let him play a little. (⇒ At one point, I was wondering, “Why is Japan so bad?”, So I’m responsible for everything except the really annoying things.)
I also went to Kiba Park athletics on the extension line. After the museum, the park is a good course that feels like static and dynamic! I like it.
Kiba is a park paradise! Kiba Water Park also has an athletic and jabujabu pond

Yes. There is an athletic in the red circle again!
Kiba has Fukagawa Gatharia (shopping mall), Kiba Park, and this “Kiba Water Park”, so it may be an environment where it is easy to raise children! I thought I was writing. Kiba Water Park is on the way from “Kiba Station” on the Tokyo Metro Tozai Line to Kiba Park (on the left side in the direction of travel). There is also a promenade-like park called Fukutomigawa Park nearby.

Hmm? What is this signboard? Fukutomigawa Park.

It’s a park where you can skateboard!

Hmm? It looks like a park again.

Open every year from July to the second Sunday of September. (Closed on Monday)
Cafes and restaurants in Kiba
There are nice cafes and restaurants along Mitsume-dori where Kiba Park is located ♡ I’ll go with my children someday! While thinking, I take a photo of Pasha Pasha with my smartphone and record it.
1つ目は木場公園のアスレチックの場所から最も近い「mamma cafe 151A」というお店です。とっても可愛らしい外観で、カフェ好きなママさんは(きゃ~!!)とテンションが上がることでしょう。

A cafe with a cute atmosphere ♡
mammal cafe 151Aについて About mammal cafe 151A | 有機栽培野菜や平飼いの有精卵など、食の安全を考慮した食材を使用。日替わりの御膳やしょうが焼きなどの他、デザートも用意する。 We use ingredients that take food safety into consideration, such as organically grown vegetables and fertilized eggs that are kept flat. In addition to daily meals and ginger pork, desserts are also available. |
住所&TEL Address & TEL | 東京都江東区平野3-4-6 3-4-6 Hirano, Koto-ku, Tokyo 03-6458-8715 |
In the tabelog information, many babies are coming to cafes ♡

It seems that rice balls such as rice balls and noodles are the main dishes ♡
他には、木場駅から木場公園方面へ歩いて見つめ通り沿いに青い電車が見えます。なんと中はフレンチレストラン(ア タ ゴール)なのです。ランチは1800円と格安でしたので、いつか電車の中ではっちゃんとご飯を食べたいですね~♡
Alternatively, walk from Kiba Station toward Kiba Park and you will see a blue train along the staring street. What a French restaurant inside. Lunch was cheap at 1800 yen, so I’d like to eat rice on the train someday ~ ♡

It’s the entrance that appears in the story!

I’ll definitely go someday.
