[Koto Ward] Impressions of TGG English Village Christmas Event
I was 44 years old who is still interested in English conversation because I was a manager at an English conversation school called “GEOS of English conversation” in my late 20s ♡
I’ve been to TGG English Village twice in the past and it was fun so I went to a Christmas event today as a repeat. I’m glad I made a drone and LED balloons this time.
本日の「東京の小学生とおでかけ!」のテーマは、TGG Tokyo Global Gateway(東京英語村)のクリスマスイベントです。
Today’s theme of “Going out with elementary school students in Tokyo!” Is a Christmas event at TGG Tokyo Global Gateway (Tokyo English Village).
Check out the article about TGG’s Halloween event ♪
How do I know about TGG events?

In the past article (https://www.0dekake.tokyo/2020/09/koutouku-tokyo-global-gateway/), TGG’s company is in the market, the price is expensive but the quality is good, and ordinary English conversation classes are also available. I talked about something.
I live in the neighborhood and would like to go if I have money, but … My home, which is not in the neighborhood and cannot afford money, has no choice but to go for an event!
There are the following ways to know the event information of TGG. In my case, I was immediately push the button when I learned about the Christmas event by method (3).
① Check the official website (https://tokyo-global-gateway.com/) frequently
② Follow Twitter (@TGG_info)
③ Once you go to the event, you will receive an event invitation email from the next time.
Saturday, December 19, 2020. Oops! Yo ~ !! who has double-booked with Hatsune Miku exhibition

As those who read this blog often (only a few percent of the total;) know, I’m very sloppy. Therefore, I forgot to reserve TGG this time as well and took the ticket for the Hatsune Miku exhibition.

I always go out in a similar way (?), So sometimes I tried to put in a different kind. I wanted to go because Miku-chan’s painting was so cute. It’s impossible to go to two places a day with 6 years old! So it was a useless ticket;
At the first “Hello ~!” Greeting, this time mom wants to go to the bathroom;

There are many ways to get to TGG, but this time I was absent and got off at Tokyo Teleport Station.
住所 Street address | 東京都江東区青海2丁目4−32 タイム24ビル TIME24 Building, 2-4-32 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo |
アクセス access | ・ゆりかもめ「テレコムセンター」駅 徒歩約4分 ・りんかい線「東京テレポート」駅 徒歩約18分または都営バスに乗り換えて約8分 ※主要駅からの所要時間 新宿駅から約38分/東京駅から約32分/立川駅から約90分 ・ Approximately 4 minutes on foot from Yurikamome “Telecom Center” station ・ Approximately 18 minutes on foot from Rinkai Line “Tokyo Teleport” station or approximately 8 minutes by changing to the Toei Bus * Time required from the main station About 38 minutes from Shinjuku station / About 32 minutes from Tokyo station / About 90 minutes from Tachikawa station |
I stopped by on my way home from my parents’ house, so I was tired of transferring. So, I took the free shuttle bus of “Oedo Onsen Monogatari” from Tokyo Teleport Station and went to TGG just a short walk from there without entering Oedo Onsen Monogatari. (⇒ Excuse me!)

I feel relieved when I come to Odaiba ♡
Is it a punishment for not entering the hot spring even though I used the free shuttle bus of Oedo Onsen Monogatari? Suddenly, my stomach became crazy with “Pi-gorogoro”.

TGGのイベントではエントランスで先生が待っていてくれて、子供達に「Hi!How are you today?」なんてスモールトークを必ずしてくれます。しかし、私はトイレに行きたいのでそれどころじゃなく。
At the TGG event, the teacher will be waiting for you at the entrance and will always give the children a small talk like “Hi! How are you today?”. But I want to go to the bathroom, so not so much.

It’s getting cold in Tokyo during the day, so I’m wearing it ★
I ran away while saying “I’m sorry! Toilet Toilet. Toilet ~!”, So I think he was a pretty suspicious person.

The white building on the right is TGg Tokyo English Village!
It’s embarrassing to speak in English in front of a Japanese mom ♡

I just went up the escalator on the 2nd floor.
TGGのイベントは主に2部構成です。1つ目は2階のTGG Townでホテルや薬局や飛行機などで外国人の先生と英語でトークします。初心者の場合は、あらかじめネームプレートに丸い赤いシールを貼るので大丈夫です。
TGG events are mainly divided into two parts. The first is TGG Town on the 2nd floor, where you can talk in English with a foreign teacher at a hotel, pharmacy, or airplane. If you are a beginner, you can put a round red sticker on the nameplate in advance.

Travel agency booth. Hatchan was okay alone w
After the English experience at each booth, the teacher will stamp the mount.

Christmas quiz that was quite difficult

I learned the phrase from my teacher and bought eggs and milk at the shop ♡
The second is the general program on the 3rd floor. When I went to TGG for the first time, I was impressed just by going to the 2nd floor, but when it came to the 2nd and 3rd floors, the 3rd floor was the most enjoyable.

When I went to 14:30, the BORDING PASS was sold out;
TGGの館内では英語Onlyとなっていますが、グループで来ている方が多く、普通に日本人ママ同氏は日本語で話します。その中で、「Hatchan!Come here!」などと中国人のママぶって下手な英語で大声を出すのは、なんだか面白くて恥ずかしくて楽しいです。
Although English is only available in the TGG building, many people come in groups, and Japanese moms usually speak in Japanese. Among them, it’s kind of funny, embarrassing and fun to yell out in poor English like “Hatchan! Come here!”
I made Christmas socks with paper

Corona, but there were more people than I expected
Last time I spent a long time on the 2nd floor. After finishing only two places, a travel agency and a shop this time, Hatchan suddenly said, “I want to go to the 3rd floor.”

At TGG events, there is a schedule for what event to be held at what time, when and where, like KidZania. However, there are few activities that require reservations like KidZania, and there are only those that you can participate in at any time or those that you can line up just before.

“Come on! Let’s make Christmas!”
TGGの先生はみなさんフレンドリーで優しい方ばかりです。はっちゃんは少し人見知りな面もありますが、先生が積極的に「Hi!」とか「What will you do next?」と声をかけてくれるので、楽しいんだろうなあと思います。
All TGG teachers are friendly and kind. Hatchan is a little shy, but I think it’s fun because the teacher actively asks “Hi!” Or “What will you do next?”.

Hatchan who loves crafts. Burning w

There are many foreign books on the bookshelf. It’s fun to see.
I piloted the drone with Scratch operation on the tablet

Large drone venue
This time, our Hatchan tried to operate the drone. Last time (Halloween), I said “Yada. I won’t do it.”, So it’s a big step forward.

I was wondering if I could control the drone with a remote control. It wasn’t. Programming in Scratch. Wow! I wonder if I can do it even though my child is almost a beginner in both English and programming.

But don’t worry. The teacher is bright and bright, and Hatchan is gradually motivated. I respected the teacher again, saying that it was amazing. In the story of Santa flying the drone and landing on the floor house, I was able to park the drone near my destination.

The drone flew!
Excited about the experiment of putting LED bulbs in balloons!

Toddlers also participated in the Rinkai Line Craft
TGG events have many programs and fixed times, so parents can enjoy scheduling them in a well-planned manner. The last thing we lined up was an experiment with balloons. (I did it at Science Lab)

The teacher asks in English, “Everyone! Do you know static electricity?” Many children answer “I know!” The atmosphere is like an international school. Wow, is my child okay? I thought for a moment, but somehow it’s okay, a child.

「人間は電気を持ってるかな?」「そうだね、人間も電気を持ってるね!」などのスモールトークから始まり、雷とイナズマの違いを英語でわかりやすく説明してくださいます。「Do you like science?」と先生が聞くと、何人かの子供さんはノリノリで「YE~s!」と答えます。いいなあ、このノリ♡
Beginning with small talks such as “Do humans have electricity?” “Yes, humans also have electricity!”, Please explain the difference between lightning and lightning in English in an easy-to-understand manner. When the teacher asks “Do you like science?”, Some children answer “YE ~ s!” Nice, this scence ♡

Hatchan who liked balloons more than Santa’s existence ♡
白い風船の中にLEDを入れますが、その際も「What color do you want?」と終始、英会話の学習です。楽しみながら英語が好きになる。そんな体験がTGGでは叶います。(⇒回し者ではありません;)
She put the LED in the white balloon, but at that time I also learned English conversation from beginning to end with “What color do you want?”. I like English while having fun. Such an experience will come true at TGG. (⇒ Not a turner;)

It was fun, was not it. See you next year!
