The Miraikan in Japan, where Mamoru Mohri serves as the director. Isn’t that the dream of a director who has set foot on a place other than the earth? Miraikan is 5 minutes walk from “Telecom Center” station of Yurikamome. The surrounding area faces Tokyo Bay, and there is a ship science museum in the vicinity, so it is located in a place where you can feel a sense of openness just by visiting.
ママあ!地球ってちっさいんだね! Mommy! The earth is small!
I don’t think we can walk with infants from Tokyo Teleport Station! We recommend the Telecom Center.
Odaiba has a wide view and many straight roads. I used to make an annual passport for the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (discontinued now?), so I went to the Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation often, but on a hot summer day, the bus from the Telecom Center to the Museum of Emerging Science and Technology came a long way. I was impatient because I didn’t have one; I was already tired by the time I went.
So, Yurikamome is expensive, but it is easier to access from Yurikamome, so I’m riding Yurikamome when I come to Miraikan. It’s fun to ride a Yurikamome♪
I used to be Bjork’s enthusiastic fan (I went to Iceland twice to chase) since the Ronin days until I had a child, but she is playing “Bjork Digital” here in 2016. She released an album “Biophillia” at the time, which featured the theme of fusion of technology and bio, and the view of the world and Miraikan at the National Museum of Emerging Science were exactly the same. You chose a good place! I was admired. (I didn’t go to this live for the first time)
はっちゃんはこのアンドロイドから目が離せません Hatchan keeps an eye on this android.やっぱり日本科学未来館のアンドロイドに興味深々のはっちゃん After all, Hatchan who is interested in android of the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation.
いまはコロナで休止中のおやっこひろば Oyako Hiroba, which is currently suspended in Corona
Toddlers and elementary school students are definitely recommended on the 3rd floor. This is the plaza. In a word, it is a place where parents and children can enjoy crafting and scanning. The inside of the building is large and tired when walking around, so if you relax here, your child may be happy. Reservation is required, so make sure to make a reservation when you arrive in the hall. (For reservation, get a numbered ticket locally)
自分が描いた絵をスキャンするとモニターに映し出されます If you scan the picture you drew, it will be displayed on the monitor.机やおえかきのテンプレートが用意されています Desk and drawing templates are available.坂で転がれるよ! You can roll on the slope!
生野菜まだ食べられないし、パンも大きくてかじられない I can’t eat raw vegetables yet, and the bread is so big that I can’t bite it
What are you doing at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation for lunch~? When I go outside, I have to walk again, and there are only cafe menus that children can’t eat. Is it good to make rice balls?
This is a human being transformed into creatures such as penguins and butterflies, and enjoy the feeling of creatures! It is a plan. This was a great project. Will you do it again!