[Minato Ward] What is CANVAS Children’s Workshop? I participated in the Kids Creative Institute with elementary school students
One day, I found out about the existence of “NPO CANVAS ” by searching the internet. What is this? A workshop group for children’s education that is popular now? I was wondering, so I decided to participate in the CANVAS workshop with my child, Hatchan.
CANVAS was a non-profit organization responsible for children’s education and social education.

I forgot what keyword I knew about the NPO corporation CANVAS, but it seems to be a Keio University-affiliated NPO corporation. Founded in 2002, it has been involved in a variety of activities, including workshops for children and events to create expressions for educators.

I thought (this is good) and immediately made a reservation for all three workshops.
What is Kids Creative Institute?

Kids Creative Institute is a series of workshops CANVAS is doing for kids? I think it’s like a brand name. There is a one-off Kids Creative Institute and a year-round Kids Creative Institute.


It is a leaflet distributed on the day of the workshop. I was surprised at the beautiful venue.
Depending on the content, the level is written for infants and elementary school students, and for advanced users in the case of programming, so select the one that applies to you and participate.
Access to CANVAS Kids Creative Institute


The nearest station to the CANVAS workshop “Kids Creative Research Institute” is JR Hamamatsucho Station or Yurikamome Takeshiba Station. I and Hatchan were at Hamamatsucho station, and when I saw this sign, I walked straight, saying, “This is it!” When you reach the north exit of Hamamatsucho Station, turn right and go straight. On the way, Hamarikyu Gardens is on your right.


If you walk straight on this road and cross the first traffic light, you will find the fashionable Minato-ku-like building “Tokyo Portcity Takeshiba Office Tower”. Kids Creative is on the 8th floor of the building.
エレベーターは直通がないので、一度6階までいき、CREATION PORTと書かれた扉から入り8階でおります。
When you arrive, say your name at the reception and measure the temperature and disinfect with alcohol.


Now, unusual for us, we arrived 10 minutes ago without being late. I told him, “I’m Mom and Hatchan who made a reservation,” and asked them to lend me a nameplate, and I completed the temperature measurement and alcohol disinfection.

Parents just look, children are free to create

The workshop has started. Parents had chairs in the back, and the staff briefly explained the workshop. He said that he could take a tour in a chair until the time, or he could take another action and come to the pick-up time.

私はこどものはっちゃんに、あまり詳しいことを教えずに連れてきましたw なんでもヤダヤダいうからです。しかし、90%以上の確率で一緒におでかけ行った帰りには「今日楽しかった!」「また行きたい!」と言うのです。なぜそれなのに毎回「行かない!」と主張するのかよくわからないのですが、、。

The theme of this workshop was “Let’s make a collar with a national flag”, which was related to costume design. The instructor is also a costume designer. It was wonderful content. Let the children choose one national flag, and let the children separate the national flag components (★, lines, etc.) and paint them on the cloth. Then, attach it, apply it to the pattern on the collar (reframing), draw a line, and cut it with scissors.
The career of Nanako Ishido, the president of CANVAS, was so great that I bought a book.

Ah, I searched on my smartphone to buy a book that was at the Kids Creative Institute on the train on my way home because it was fun. Then, when I looked at the career of the supervisor of “I see in manga! Programming education”, I was overwhelmed.
女子学院中学校・高等学校、東京大学工学部システム創成学科卒業[1]。東京大学大学院学際情報学府修士課程修了[2]。MITメディアラボ客員研究員を経て、NPO法人CANVAS、株式会社デジタルえほん、一般社団法人超教育協会等を設立、代表に就任。慶應義塾大学教授。総務省情報通信審議会委員など省庁の委員多数。NHK中央放送番組審議会委員、デジタル教科書教材協議会理事、デジタルサイネージコンソーシアム理事等を兼任。政策・メディア博士。 出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)
Thanks to the CANVAS directors, I found out that each computer was distributed to the elementary school. I immediately read “I see in manga! Programming education” on Amazon, but it was really interesting as a manga.
See you soon! It’s hot and humid every day in Tokyo, so I’d like to take some steps and enjoy raising children.
