[Minato Ward] Shiki Theater Company Frozen impressions and cold rumors ♡ Which is recommended, Aladdin?
これから見ようかな?と思われている方は、ぶっちゃけ、評判どうなの?と、口コミが気になりますよね。そんなわけで、私は本日見に行ってきた感想を正直に書かせていただこと思いますっ、、、!!本日の「東京の小学生とおでかけ!」のテーマは、劇団四季のアナと雪の女王 in 浜松町です。
Should I see it from now on? If you think that, what’s your reputation? I’m curious about word of mouth. That’s why I think I was honestly writing down the impressions I went to see today …! !!
Shiki Theater Company’s “Frozen” is a “masterpiece” to say the least! !!

Frozen musical, should I see it? If you are wondering, I definitely want you to go! I will never lose it. For those who like movies and those who like Shiki Theater Company. Isn’t it hard to say “disappointed” in this musical? I think it’s high quality.
Song, dance and performing arts are all of high quality

I think there are several categories of musicals by Shiki Theater Company. I think that the coat colors of Cats and the Phantom of the Opera are different from those of Aladdin and Little Mermaid. The point is whether it is “play-oriented” that depicts human conflicts, or “show-oriented” that puts the power into stage art and dance.

So, Anna and the Snow Queen were popular movies for small children, and the story was easy to understand, so I expected it to be the latter. However, betraying my expectations, Anna and the Snow Queen of Shiki Theater Company were “attacking omnidirectional” musicals with a slightly more mature interpretation than the movie version. The highlights are the stage art using projection mapping and the quick change of dresses of Elsa and Anna, but there is “family love” at the root, and Elsa’s suffering is drawn more carefully than in the movie. The content was more sympathetic.
(Part 2) The original song is excellent

The theme song “As It Is”, which was a big hit in Japan, has a strong impression, but Anna and the Snow Queen have many hit numbers. However, in addition to those masterpieces, Mr. and Mrs. Lopez have written 12 new songs for this musical. It’s a musical with lots of new songs, and it’s by no means a proper trace of Disney movies.
Among them, “What do you know about love” sung by Christoph and Anna and “Monster” sung by Elsa in the second half are memorable numbers and must-see. In the program, screenwriter Jennifer Lee said, “In the musical, I got into Elsa’s mind by making a lot of songs,” but as the word says, it’s more naked than the movie. Elsa says, “I don’t want to lose you,” and the audience is more and more embarrassed to get into the stage.
(Part 3) The tempo is very good and you won’t get bored.

Before watching the musical today, I actually checked about two reviews of the Frozen musical on the net. The first was written, “The songs and stage costumes were great, but it felt like a show. The script had a sudden feel.” And the second word of mouth was “The Shiki Theater Company made history. A musical with wonderful content.” My impression is close to the second one.
— I love Bjork and outing and my daughter???? (@sherry_turtle) May 4, 2022
予測はしてたがグッズ販売はかなり混雑????30分以上は軽く待つ感じ。休憩も混むしいつ買おうか????#劇団四季アナ雪 #浜松町 pic.twitter.com/cd1kvBPBKK
※グッズ売り場は非常に混んでました↑ 当日の劇場からの記念ツイートです※
It’s natural that the script is different because it’s a musical version of the movie, but I felt that Anna and the Snow Queen were picking up the story of the movie rather carefully. The first word of mouth said, “It was abrupt when my parents died suddenly,” but that’s the same with the movie. Personally, I thought it would be nice if there was a little more movement in the coronation scene, but other than that, the speed was just right, it was too fast to leave the audience, and I didn’t get bored. I enjoyed the immersive feeling.
The venue may be a little cold with dry ice. !!


One of the reviews I had checked in advance was that the seats on the first floor might be a little cold. Is that so? I thought, I brought a jacket and a rug. Then it was true. From the middle of the scene where Anna and Elsa, the child actors of Act 1, were in bed, it suddenly became cold. I hurriedly put out my knees, but if the season I see is autumn or winter, I think it is absolutely necessary to take measures against the cold. I don’t know if it’s a dry ice effect, but I felt that the temperature had dropped sharply. (A1 seat at the back of the 1st floor seat, on the right side of the stage)
The musical “Frozen” is also recommended for children!

Anna and the Snow Queen are musicals that both adults and children can enjoy. There were many people with children at the Shiki Theater “Spring”. After all, there are more girls than boys. From 6.7 years old, I had the impression that there were more people (about 10 years old) than the upper grades of elementary school.
There are a lot of songs, the story is known in the movie, the stage set is gorgeous, and the theme is human love. And above all, famous roles such as Olaf and Oken are shining, and Anna is the most cute. It will be the best experience for the summer vacation and Golden Week of elementary school students. (Ah, I wrote it and wanted to go again …)
